
The Circle of Light


People need light.  

And every building, place, monument and space comes alive with light.  

All major construction projects have a “Circle of Light” – and every member of that circle counts on Digital Filaments to Deliver Light Simply.

So what is the “Circle of Light”?

Project Owners have two teams:

The first is the Design Team, with architects, landscape architects, and interior designers; there are Electrical Engineers, and Civil Engineers; and often a Lighting Designer too.  

The second is the Construction Team, with General Contractors and Construction Managers; Electrical Contractors and Electricians; and at least one Electrical or Lighting Distributor.  

Everyone in the Circle of Light influences the lights and controls the Owner will purchase for their project. At Digital Filaments, we partner with every member of the Circle of Light to deliver a project that meets the needs of the building Owner, and all their design and construction stakeholders.

We’re the experts on our products – we know how to use them, and how to make your project go smoothly. We connect the manufacturer of indoor and outdoor lighting systems with the members of the Circle of Light.

And we care about the details that make light magic, healthier and more efficient.

At Digital Filaments, we make the Circle of Light go round.